More than 75% of Americans suffer from some form of gum disease – also called periodontal disease – and don’t even know it!
The symptoms include bleeding, bad breath and sore, swollen gums. Gum disease creates gaps between the teeth and gums, and the infected gum starts to separate from the tooth. These gaps, known as pockets, can become deeper over time, trapping food and creating an environment for bacteria to grow. The deeper they are, the more your risk of permanent tooth damage. The leading causes of gum disease are smoking and poor oral hygiene. Gum disease thrives in the warm, dark, moist environment of your mouth.
If left untreated, it can severely harm the gums and bones supporting your teeth, and eventually lead to tooth loss. Gum disease has also been linked to health issues, including:
Heart attack
Respiratory disease
Premature or low birth weight babies